Total Taurus Lunar Eclipse 2022: Financial Stresses and Romantic Messes

Although the current Scorpio-Taurus eclipse series of 2022 makes deepening commitments and fortifying our financial and emotional foundations the priority, there’s a sense of urgency to finalize an agreement of some kind that (we believe) will provide us with the sense of security we know we ultimately need.

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Taurus Solar Eclipse 2022: War and Peace

Aries Season 2022 starts with a blaze, as the lack of planets in Fire signs from January - March left us limp, listless, and lacking in motivation. Then, on the Aries New Moon we experience a burst of energy that could very easily end up in some explosive interpersonal outbursts (ahem, Will Smith), followed by a conflicted Libra Full Moon mid-month. But luckily the Taurus Solar Eclipse arrives on April 30—just in time to calm our nerves, get back to basics and remind ourselves that our network is our net worth. Oh, and Self-Care.

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Taurus New Moon 2021: Sleeping Beauty

On 5.11 at 3:00 pm (ET), there’s a beautiful New Moon @ 21° of Taurus, offering us a crucial opportunity not necessarily to manifest, but to introspect. So do yourself a Prince Valiant-sized favor and figure out the difference between Avoidance and Introspection. Because at the end of the day, running away is just another way of avoiding yourself.

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Taurus New Moon 2020: Springtime For Hitler

It’s Springtime for Hitler on April 22nd, as the Taurus New Moon at 10:46 pm (EDT) ushers in a need to appreciate the absurd. Yes that’s right: Combine “Dictator” with “Flower Child” and out pops a Taurus. Add the demands of Saturn in Aquarius? You might be so overwhelmed with Absurdity now might be a fine time for a chill pill (or five).

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