Aries Solar Eclipse 2023: Selfishly Self-Aware

Where are we being too selfish? Where are we not being selfish enough? This Solar Eclipse in Aries is extreme—but stopping to pause & answer these questions honestly is key, if you want to channel the impulsivity & restlessness of this New Beginning wisely. Otherwise you risk being like Tracy Flick—riding roughshod over others at the expense of doing/getting what we want for ourselves—or, if we convince ourselves our lives are perfect, ending up like Mr. M, rushing unwittingly toward self-destruction.

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Taurus Solar Eclipse 2022: War and Peace

Aries Season 2022 starts with a blaze, as the lack of planets in Fire signs from January - March left us limp, listless, and lacking in motivation. Then, on the Aries New Moon we experience a burst of energy that could very easily end up in some explosive interpersonal outbursts (ahem, Will Smith), followed by a conflicted Libra Full Moon mid-month. But luckily the Taurus Solar Eclipse arrives on April 30—just in time to calm our nerves, get back to basics and remind ourselves that our network is our net worth. Oh, and Self-Care.

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Libra New Moon 2020: Sharp Objects

Libra is known as the Zodiac sign with the most affinity for building Significant Relationships. But don’t expect to begin any new ones—at least not right now, anyhow. Why? This Libra New Moon, exact on October 16, occurs immediately following Mercury’s Retrograde in Scorpio, landing it smack dab in the middle of the Mars-Mercury Double Retrograde Madness this Fall of 2020.

So brace yourself. Because when it comes to Relationships? Thorns and Landmines Abound.

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