Libra New Moon 2020: Sharp Objects

Libra is known as the Zodiac sign with the most affinity for building Significant Relationships. But don’t expect to begin any new ones—at least not right now, anyhow. Why? This Libra New Moon, exact on October 16, occurs immediately following Mercury’s Retrograde in Scorpio, landing it smack dab in the middle of the Mars-Mercury Double Retrograde Madness this Fall of 2020.

So brace yourself. Because when it comes to Relationships? Thorns and Landmines Abound.

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Leo New Moon 2020: Shooting for the Stars, or Shooting Yourself in the Foot?

The key to not setting yourself up for failure? Setting small, achievable goals and not giving away our energy in a whole-hog pursuit of capitulating to the needs of others, as this will only lead to seething resentment or outright rebellion is the way to avoid the many booby traps of this New Moon.

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Cancer New Moon 2020 (#2): Shape Up or Ship Out

Saturn's potent influence on this Cancer New Moon chart has a stark “shape up or ship out” feel to it, pressing us to make amends, pay your dues or avoid “pushing your luck” while you’re ahead (or whatever). Plus, there’s a whole boatload of planets in Cardinal signs, hungry for Action & New Beginnings—especially on the Home & Family Front. Many will decide (or be forced) to move house with this New Moon, as its uncomfortably tight opposition to Saturn in Capricorn shines a light on whatever’s is or isn’t working for you anymore.

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Aquarius Full Moon 2020: Clearing the Air & Embracing the Flail

The Sturgeon Full Moon on August 3 is the epitome of that never-ending Aquarius Paradox, hyper-aware of the gray area of life in its most abstract sense yet decidedly “black and white” if not seemingly detached in their approach to emotions. But with Aquarius it’s always a game of all or nothing—so there’d better be no hedging of emotional or financial bets when the moment comes to, ahem, self-express.

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Capricorn Lunar Eclipse 2020: Cutting Out Toxicity

If you cut everyone and everything out of your life that creates even the mildest discomfort, where does that leave you in the end? Ahem, alone. So before you go waving your emotional scalpel around indiscriminately, make sure you examine your role in your relationships…Because apparently it takes two to tango. And who doesn’t want to tango, ya know?

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Solar Eclipse in Cancer 2020: Manifestation Nation

With the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21st in the midst of Mercury’s stationary Retrograde and Venus’ stationary Direct period, plus the impending Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn? It’s a lot to process, and much is occurring underneath the surface.. But yes—the grass is on its way to growing greener once again…

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Mercury Retrograde in Cancer 2020: Sensitivity Training

The goal here is to better understand the way we engage (or refuse to) when confronted with the pain or perceived neediness of others—and to question whether their neediness is really a projection of our own tendency to codependency. So even though it’s not about manifesting our Manifest Destiny? This Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is an extremely rare opportunity to—no, not manifest—but “do the inner work,” as they say.

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Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2020: Sitting With Discomfort

“Pain = Bad” is a dangerous conflation, so if avoidance of even the slightest interpersonal discomfort or feeling of rejected (even when it’s likely only in your head) is your MO? You might be in for a rude awakening. Pain is growth. The trick though? Learning to put your inner Manifestation Monologue on “Mute” and take in (not take on) whatever’s got you running to and fro.

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Gemini New Moon 2020: Dreamland and Ponies

So being Peter Pan for a bit might just be the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down, as there’s a push to identify and relinquish whatever (emotional) baggage has been holding us back from acting on our latest & greatest romantic reverie…But can you (or anyone?) Maintain Self-Awareness in the Midst of a Full-Blown Fantasy? We’ll see.

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Venus Retrograde in Gemini 2020: An Astrology Survival Guide

Venus is Retrograde in Gemini from May 13th until June 25th this year—the first time since October - November of 2012. So get ready for a return of not just exes but anyone from the depths of your social or romantic past. But Gemini has what you might call “Shiny Ball Syndrome.” In other words? Their constant mind-changing and chasing greener pastures often costs them, well, many a dime.

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Taurus New Moon 2020: Springtime For Hitler

It’s Springtime for Hitler on April 22nd, as the Taurus New Moon at 10:46 pm (EDT) ushers in a need to appreciate the absurd. Yes that’s right: Combine “Dictator” with “Flower Child” and out pops a Taurus. Add the demands of Saturn in Aquarius? You might be so overwhelmed with Absurdity now might be a fine time for a chill pill (or five).

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Saturn in Aquarius 2020: Age of Accountability

Saturn has been in Capricorn since December 19, 2017. But on March 21, 2020, Saturn moves into the sign of Aquarius for the first time since January 1994, marking the beginning of a crucial turning point in our collective consciousness as we shift our focus from (Personal) Responsibility to (Societal) Accountability.

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