Total Taurus Lunar Eclipse 2022: Financial Stresses and Romantic Messes

Although the current Scorpio-Taurus eclipse series of 2022 makes deepening commitments and fortifying our financial and emotional foundations the priority, there’s a sense of urgency to finalize an agreement of some kind that (we believe) will provide us with the sense of security we know we ultimately need.

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Full Moon in Gemini 2021: And a Happy New Year

The point of this Full Moon is that there’s compromise to be found between the Capricorn and the Gemini—as long as someone is willing to give up the feeling of control that is. So stop planning that elaborate trip to Aruba to show a Certain Someone that you’re “adventurous” while conveniently escaping your relatives for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa Dinner (Capricorn) and ask if they’d like to come over and warm themselves by the fire in your backyard. It’s fresh, it’s organic and, as it so happens, just as much fun if you come in with positivity.

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Aquarius Full Moon 2021: The Unscratchable Itch

Aquarius is an Air sign, ruled by unpredictable Uranus, which explains their inherently intellectual, if scatterbrained way of being. Thus the Water Bearer’s greatest struggle: How to be both human (realistic) and superhuman (idealistic) without sacrificing one for the other? How to balance their task of Truth-telling, pouring out their cup of knowledge to the rest of us, while maintaining some semblance of Self-Care in the process?

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Pisces Full Moon 2020: Toxic Humidity

If you want to succeed in the long run and avoid alienating yourself from your own long-term goals? It’ll be in your best interest to keep things aboveboard. Just put one foot in front of the other, as they say. And avoid any toxic humidity that might be clouding your judgment now—lest you end up booby trapped.

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Aquarius Full Moon 2020: Clearing the Air & Embracing the Flail

The Sturgeon Full Moon on August 3 is the epitome of that never-ending Aquarius Paradox, hyper-aware of the gray area of life in its most abstract sense yet decidedly “black and white” if not seemingly detached in their approach to emotions. But with Aquarius it’s always a game of all or nothing—so there’d better be no hedging of emotional or financial bets when the moment comes to, ahem, self-express.

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Capricorn Lunar Eclipse 2020: Cutting Out Toxicity

If you cut everyone and everything out of your life that creates even the mildest discomfort, where does that leave you in the end? Ahem, alone. So before you go waving your emotional scalpel around indiscriminately, make sure you examine your role in your relationships…Because apparently it takes two to tango. And who doesn’t want to tango, ya know?

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Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2020: Sitting With Discomfort

“Pain = Bad” is a dangerous conflation, so if avoidance of even the slightest interpersonal discomfort or feeling of rejected (even when it’s likely only in your head) is your MO? You might be in for a rude awakening. Pain is growth. The trick though? Learning to put your inner Manifestation Monologue on “Mute” and take in (not take on) whatever’s got you running to and fro.

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Gemini Full Moon 2019: What is Love

On December 12th, we’ll experience the Final Full Moon of 2019, ushering in a brand new Planetary Cycle with a Superpowered Yet Smooth™ Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 26th. Ring in the New Year with a Brand New Career? What could be better? Well here’s the rub. Not to say it’s easy, but there’s a lot of inner work to do now, should we choose to take it on…

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Pisces Full Moon 2019: The Sailor Or The Sea?

In the rather intense and exhausting days leading up to this Full Moon late tonight/early tomorrow is to trust in our own emotional resilience, as it’s all too easy to project, get angry or do nothing when it comes to our relationships now. Because while it might’ve felt relatively safe to just go to work and dream and little dream, we’re now facing the hard fact that while you may have fallen in love with it, the Sea—any Sea—simply cannot love you back.

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