Gemini Full Moon 2019: What is Love


On December 12th, we’ll experience the Final Full Moon of 2019, ushering in a brand new Planetary Cycle with a Superpowered Yet Smooth™ Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 26th. Ring in the New Year with a Brand New Career? What could be better? Well here’s the rub. Not to say it’s easy, but there’s a lot of “inner” work to do now, should we choose to take it on. It’s challenging to even give advice in the traditional sense as I write this, as I myself am flooded with the myriad contradictions floating so palpably in the atmosphere—powerful intuitions vs. total brain fog being the main one. So what do you do when it’s not the right time to “manifest,” as they say, but listening to your instinct—trusting your gut—isn’t likely to do the trick either at the moment?

With Neptune and Uranus prominently aspecting this Full Moon, a combination of delusion/confusion (Neptune) and impulse/restlessness (Uranus) result—not a particularly favorable influence for Relationships, Finances or Communications. But, first and foremost, it is decidedly least favorable of cosmic influences for (if not antithetical to)...(yep)...Meeting the Demands of Mundane Existence! In all seriousness, the mere idea of (gasp) doing laundry is enough to send us into full-scale Prima Donna mode, scurrying away like Blanche DuBois (“the light’s just so bright!”) at the seemingly impossible task of completing even one To-Do List lately.

And though this Full Moon is definitely no cake walk, there’s a rare, if hidden, opportunity to prevail over Personal Problems, Vanquish Inner Demons & Leave Toxic Pasts in our wake in the coming weeks. If, that is, we can muster the courage to look the limiting circumstances, attitudes, belief systems, bad habits—anything that brought you down this year should be looked directly in the eye with a detached gaze to get where we’re going rather than revisit where we’ve been.

Sun & Moon Square Neptune: Disappointments & Dealbreakers

The Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces—particularly with Neptune at a complete stand-still in the sky right now—compels us to revisit this theme: Are we delusional or inspired when it comes to our long-term vision of our Future? What are we idealizing now and why? Is it really unrealistic, or have we not allowed ourselves to entertain the possibility (yet)? Either way, with the Gemini Moon squaring off with Neptune as well, there’s an urgent need to figure “it” out right now and immediately share (or spew) the profundity of our personal thought bubbles (Gemini, anyone?) into the ether.

And with Neptune placing such a fog over us, being taken advantage of (or taking advantage) is a big risk, so try to be as aware as possible when it comes to who/what/when and where you’re dealing with now. If your boss is pressuring you to work more for less, ask for more time to wait it out. If there’s a situation nagging at you that’s been left unresolved, reach out. By leaning in to Neptune’s quicksand rather than fighting it, we often end up doing better, in material and emotional respects.

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This is why it’s important to keep an eye out for the Smooth Talkers (I see you) in the weeks surrounding the Full Moon, and to let go of any lingering emotions that may undermine you prior to the Solar Eclipse on the 26th. With Neptune in strong form, our gut instincts are sharp as a tack one moment and completely foggy the next, flooded as we are with so many realizations now that I doubt anyone is immune to the dominant emotion of this Moon: O-V-E-R-W-H-E-L-M-E-D.

Any Full Moon in Gemini is at least a little OCD in nature; but when both Sun and Moon square Neptune, it gives the current Lunar cycle (11.26.19 - 12.26.19) a Manic-Depressive “vibe,” as we swing from extreme sensitivity to a friend/lover/whomever, only to suddenly develop a noticeably intense commitment to choosing the perfect photo and design for This Year’s Christmas Card. So yes, we’ll likely feel physically and spiritually drained by holiday plans and details in the weeks leading up to and immediately following December 12th.

Challenging aspects from Neptune to the Sun and Moon means we’re unusually forgetful, tired and let’s just say wool-gathering is difficult to avoid when under Neptune’s spell. Because Neptune represents empathy and helping others, we may forget to put our own needs in front of the wealth of (perceived) obligations and nagging details left unfinished in our day-to-day lives. Neptune represents self-sacrifice, willingness and compassion, so we’re more sensitive to our surroundings now than ever, as we pick up on the feelings of those around us, absorbing them like a sponge.

With so much emphasis on Communication at this Full Moon in Gemini, there’s bound to be some major SPILLAGE OF THE TEA, if you please. There will be secrets. There will be deceptions. There will be blood. You might even find yourself saying things you never dreamed of saying aloud, only to blurt them out at the worst possible moment. But what may at first seem like Disaster may ultimately lead us to Delight, as whatever is revealed now—whether to us or by us—is designed to shed light into the darker corners of any negative habit patterns or ways of reacting to others and circumstances that threaten us and confront any other unconscious blocks you think could prevent you from YOLO’ing all the way home...

Mercury-Uranus: Who Shot the Sheriff

The inconjunct between Mercury (communication, thoughts, information) and Uranus (upheavals, “sudden” events, radical changes) shows that any mental stress you suffer is the direct result of stretching ourselves too thin for too long to the point where you find yourself developing bizarre diets and workout plans, not to mention a generally nervous and irritable disposition, running around doing errands with no sense of what’s what, let alone why it’s necessary we do it in the first place...

Despite the reigning brain fog and interpersonal awkwardness, the Waxing Moon in Gemini is a chatty one indeed. Whenever there’s a Full Moon in Air (Gemini/Libra/Aquarius), we’re reminded of the need to reach out, communicate and (if we’re lucky) connect. My only caution here? Don’t tell lies or keep secrets now. Why? Mercury in Sagittarius is the consummate Blurter of the Zodiac. So don’t be surprised if all kinds of information, whether an “innocent” piece of gossip “accidentally” shared, stark financial truths spelled out for us in ink, relationship secrets revealed or a family skeleton (I mean heirloom) tumbles unexpectedly out of one of those “closet” things.

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So even if you try to go full-on incognito for a while, the Gemini Moon might just “out” you anyway—unceremoniously and possibly without your consent. But even when we might imagine the sky is falling, remember this: you did not shoot the sheriff. And regardless of whatever happened with the Deputy, there’s two sides to every story. But ask yourself: Would you rather run from those chasing you for a crime you didn’t commit? Or would you rather do the time as you (try to) run from the judgment of your Inner Critic? If the time doesn’t fit the (lack of) crime, then you have your answer…

Venus in Capricorn: Relationship Fears & Strained Relations

The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for…”

The tone of this Full Moon suggests ridding ourselves of guilt by confronting the Eternal and Inevitable Predicament of Relationships: we can’t live with them and we can’t live without them. Mercury in Sagittarius, the sign of its detriment, indicates scattered thoughts, brief flashes of intuition or glimpses of the horizon and lots of second-guessing when it comes to how/when/if and who we think about reaching out to now.

With Saturn in Capricorn the relatively stronger planet by sign, its conjunction to Venus only intensifies the fear of giving oneself to a relationship. So Venus in Capricorn has taken somewhat of a beating in this Full Moon chart, wedged in tight conjunction between Saturn on the left and Pluto on the right (see chart image above), making both social and financial stability feel at times concrete and at others incredibly elusive. We may feel “trapped” in a relationship situation (work or personal) that isolates us from others due to exhaustion or overwork.

We may feel drained by our social and romantic lives, or by a work situation involving a business partnership, authority figure or some other relationship that’s draining the financial well—the “Community Trust,” if you will—as the Sagittarius “Gambler” Sun battles the impulse to stretch large sums of money and thus jeopardize our financial survival (Venus-Pluto). Depending on how the Full Moon chart relates to your own birth chart, the energy drain may reach a point where we feel like we might need to give one up in favor of the other.

Whether we feel forced to confront some unfinished business we’d rather not deal with at the moment or we’re just fresh out of Lucky Charms, Venus in Capricorn is an ambitious, productivity-oriented Venus, not likely to socialize unless there’s a purpose or a specific goal involved. Venus in any Earth sign, even in Taurus, brings a seriousness to interpersonal dynamics. Venus above all represents “what we value,” and in Capricorn, we value relationships for their practical value.

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In relationships, Saturn-Venus describes a feeling of pressure to hide our fears at all costs while Venus-Pluto pushes us to reveal our insecurities no matter the cost. But the planetary ruler of the chart, Mercury, forms an awkward angle to Uranus in Taurus, meaning that our (or someone else’s) “big mouth” might be just the (unexpected) ticket should we find ourselves having to address sticky finances, relationships or romantic snafus. There’s a lot of fear around relationships and how we communicate our affections right now, and while we’re hopefully not holding onto any residual resentment, it might help to take a careful accounting of what and who has helped you or held you back this year. Meditate on the negative behavior patterns or influences we need to chill on, and move gracefully like Grace Kelly into the Beyond.

Jupiter in 4th: Building Foundations & Examining Dependencies

Speaking of movement, with the Gemini Moon in the 9th house at a tense angle to Saturn-Venus-Pluto in Capricorn in the 4th house, there’s a battle between “exploration” and “sticking close to home” now, metaphorically and literally. Focused primarily on power, Pluto conjunct Venus in Capricorn uses its amped up powers of attraction to gain business or monetary advantage. Pluto in the 4th house of the chart shows the purpose of this Full Moon is to shine a light on that which we’ve become dependent on.

But what do we do when a Refuge become a Rut? And what happens a Rut becomes a Refuge? Ruts, whether personal or interpersonal, are habit patterns and the result of conditioning that we justify or rationalize when trying to avoid assessing, let alone acknowledging, the roots than make up our foundation. Are we used to a strong foundation and thus test its strength as a result? Do we have a support system? Are we happy with it? If we had one we were happy with but no longer feel supported, what relationships have we become dependent on and why? Why are we so afraid of “losing” this person? Or, alternatively, why do we want to “get rid of” someone so badly or erase them so quickly?

Pluto is like a magnifying glass, amplifying flaws but somehow keeping us dependent on Relationships and Resources that may feel supportive but are really just, well, Ruts. Build it and they will come! Sure. But if you’ve got Termites? It’ll all fall apart in the long-run. And trust: not only is Capricorn not a fan of Termites, but they’re always thinking about the long-run. So even if we’ve got our hardhats on and are ready and motivated to get to building, we can’t build anything solid on a foundation based on Ghosts of Holidays/Holidaze/Hollandaise Past.

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How we structure our foundation—whether this involves stoking the romance fires, taking care of the kids while your partner goes out, making yourself available to a friend going through a rough patch or just committing a Random Act of Kindness—it’s Karma, or treating others how we’d want to be treated, that builds it. In some cases we might test our foundation too often, pushing boundaries that reaffirm our own sense of security while disregarding that this same need exists for others. But this Gemini Moon is about leaving habits and complexes that’ve been subtly undermining us but may’ve ignored or simply let slide previously behind—for good. So if you can’t build on what you already have, it’s time to start building Yourself without fear and from the ground up.

Moon Inconjunct Saturn-Pluto: Emotional Imprisonment

Saturn goes through every with a fine-toothed comb too, but it’s more a compulsive, face value inventory-taking process—it’s about checking the pantry just to remind ourselves it’s still stocked and that everything’s still there, right where we left it. Moon-Saturn aspects teach us to put the self first before committing to others, to avoid unfulfilled promises and overblown expectations—those we make both to/of both ourselves and others—that leave us feeling guilty and unloved. Thus Moon inconjunct Saturn is about taking stock—so that we know what’s in our power to give to others and what we need to give ourselves.

The Moon-Pluto inconjunct in this chart presents a challenge to break free from the familiar for sure, but offers us powerful potential when it comes to catapulting ourselves out of typical 4th House Ruts like these. Whatever comes up for you now, Moon inconjunct Pluto is about awareness, taking stock not just to see what’s in the pantry, but in the interest of remaining aware of what we have. This way we free ourselves to give with generosity, without bottling our emotions to the point of falling back on old habit patterns or coping skills that no longer effective. You know, the ones that rear their ugly heads when we let family or close loved ones dictate our decisions.

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Yet Pluto is the Detective of the Zodiac. So while Saturn might quietly delete your emails when you’re not looking (“What?!”), Pluto will straight up go through your trash. But the real difference between Saturn and Pluto? Saturn is about adjusting our foundation as a means of adapting to circumstance, whereas Pluto involves a more in-depth process of transformation. The lesson, then, is not necessarily to rid yourself of all security blankets, but to open ourselves to confronting deep psychological complexes that keep you feeling chained to unfulfilling obligations to a relationship, job or any circumstance that relies on “cat-and-mouse”-style power dynamics that no longer serve...well, anyone.

Example: You meet someone who you find irresistibly attractive or charming in some way. Maybe you ask this person out on a date; maybe you don’t. Either way, if the motive is based primarily on superficial elements and/or personal, practical gain for you and yours, Moon-Saturn + Venus-Saturn (both in Cap will take you to task. For if you fall for someone based on looks alone, don’t be surprised if, once the other person senses this, it may only be a matter of time before they respond in kind, placating you with compliments and reassurance in return—only to find out later that the one you thought you were playing might be the one “playing” you.

Mars Trine Neptune: Dramatic Yet Compassionate

A major highlight of this Full Moon is the exact trine from Mars in Scorpio in the 2nd house to Neptune, now Stationary Direct, in Pisces in the 6th house of the chart. Both Mars and Neptune are in their ruling signs of Scorpio and Neptune, respectively, and the exactness of this aspect by degree only further increases the potency of its effect now.

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Mars in Scorpio is ambitious, impulsive yet pragmatic, stubborn and dramatic. Mars in Scorpio rules how we communicate now, while Neptune rules our closest partnerships. This can bring out the stereotypical Scorpion Tongue-Lashing Effect; however, this Mars-Neptune alignment shows us the rarely-seen but oft-spoken-of, Softer Side of Scorpio, allowing us to embody a more compassionate energy that infuses our words and actions with willingness and generosity, elevating our awareness to the art of gentle persuasion rather than domination or (passive) aggression as a means of attracting what we need rather than attempting to “win” right now. Neptune rules the 7th house of Committed Partnerships in this chart, so absolution and sensitivity are called for, as we’re in rare form when it comes to making something into nothing, smoothing old wounds and scars we thought might never heal.

This combination allows us to effortlessly put forth the compassion we need to motivate others and lend a hand to those who deserve it now. At its best, Mars in supportive aspect to Neptune is about taking action that combines the practical with the ideal, the reality with the dream. Integrity is the backbone that holds action together, in both our work and our relationships. Neptune is a keen reminder of this principle, as it hangs at a relative stand-still before it turns from retrograde to direct motion @ 15°57’ of Pisces. This aspect serves as a cosmic protector against the deception indicated elsewhere in this Full Moon chart—most notably in the Sun and Moon’s squares to Neptune.


How To Be A “Practical Idealist” (& Other Stories…)

This Full Moon in Gemini is the first (and only) taste we’ll get of Jupiter in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus. Jupiter trine Uranus is an aspect of inspiration and idealism—the “risk taker” who gains an enlightened vision of the long-term Future. It’s a “Go For It & Don’t Think Twice” aspect. Fueled by speed of thought and desire for individualist self-expression, this aspect has just a touch of the impulsive about it, but tends toward “lucky” outcomes. So before the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on December 26th jolts you back to the Material World? Book a plane ticket, pack a bag...and get lost in the Bermuda Triangle for a little while...

At the end of the day, though, the purpose was to increase the resiliency of our Faith and Commitment to Our Ideals/Long-Term Future, as far out as reaching the literal goal might be. Part of this is a test of trust, but the frustration of trying so desperately to align our ideals with reality this year has brought many of us to our knees in some sense or another. This frustration is chock full-o-insight if you look carefully though, especially how we’ve responded to it.

Prolonged frustration gives us wisdom or, at the very least some bit of “insight in hindsight,” because it’s a test of commitment: sacrifice ourselves to keep things familiar and fall into petty behavior patterns, Blame Games, et al. Or, take on the challenge and embody to Practical Idealist—which is exactly the antidote now as we (ideally) cultivate more patience and compassion for Self and Others, learning to forgive ourselves for what we don’t do and be more appreciative of the sincere efforts we’ve made this year to tackle the impossible task of not giving up but learning to align our Idealistic, Creative Vision for our Futures with Our Everyday Realities.