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Taurus Solar Eclipse 2022: War and Peace

April is the first pivotal month of 2022, as the Sun and Mercury in Aries (Fire) dramatically amp up our desire for romance, excitement and new beginnings, motivating us to break free from practical demands that’ve been plaguing us, imploring us to “get out more” and go for what we want as we navigate the complexities of creating a “New Normal.” The only risk? Not to fall into the trap of impulsivity. 

After a long Winter of Venus and Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn, with no planets in Fire signs from January 24 until the Spring Equinox on March 20, we begin Aries Season “on the rebound,” to speak. With no planets in Fire signs Aries, Leo or Sagittarius for such a long stint, feelings of physical depletion, exhaustion and burnout have been pervasive, leaving us feeling unloved, uninspired and, in turn, questioning what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. 

For many of us, the feeling of burnout has reached epic proportions not only on a personal level but a collective one as well. For at the same time as the Sun and Mercury’s entrance into Aries on March 20th and 27th, respectively, renews our sense of direction and boosts our ability to move past lingering insecurities that’ve been holding us back, there’s an equally strong impetus toward impulsive violence and other extreme expressions of latent anger. 

The danger of a dreary Winter with no planets in Fire is in its aftermath, from the whiplash effect of social isolation and the “Silver Tsunami” of substance abuse to recent sprees of violent attacks in NYC subways to the unprovoked devastation and ongoing crisis following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Thus the question of how to address such widespread feelings of anger and resulting violence stemming from the “Second Pandemic” of social isolation, mental health issues and economic disenfranchisement in the wake of COVID is the double-edged sword of Aries Season in 2022. 

And even though Jupiter’s exact alignment to Neptune in Pisces this month brings a sense of compassion and empathy into the mix, much of April feels like a series of Manic Mondays, filled with frenzied action and replete with confusing conversations (or even full-fledged delusion) when it comes to our financial and romantic prospects. Either way, extremes are the theme this month–when it comes to both Love and Money.

Aries New Moon v. Libra Full Moon: “We” v. “Me”

To start, the Aries New Moon on April 1 is a feisty one, providing us with a jolt of adrenaline to get ourselves out of any long-standing ruts, as our desire for attention, achievement and independence runs strong in the days surrounding the New Moon. 

There’s a strong possibility that we’ve reached our limit, so to speak, with a partner, parent, boss or other authority figure; yet it may be wise to sleep on it, or put the conversation on hold temporarily, as a tense Mercury-Uranus alignment in Taurus indicates impulsive arguments or petty accusations that we’re likely to regret after the fact. So, whether the power struggle takes place in the workplace or at home, the April 16 Full Moon in Libra has the potential to be quite explosive—especially if we’re unwilling to compromise. 

Luckily, any egotistical impulses or selfish behavior will be called into question on April 16, when the Full Moon in Libra makes power struggles practically unavoidable, as unresolved conflict in our one-on-one relationships surface to be cleared out in preparation for the Taurus Solar Eclipse. There’s a need for balance re: how much time and effort we put into “Me” (Sun in Aries) v. “We” (Moon in Libra). 

One of the ironies of the Venus-ruled signs—Taurus and Libra—is that though they’ll go to (almost) every length possible to avoid verbal arguments, their fear of fighting typically leads to a lack of deep communication in relationships, only expressing dissatisfaction via passive-aggressive behaviors like withholding, ignoring or picking petty battles. Passive-aggressive tactics will be difficult to maintain this month, however, as post-pandemic violence boils over and impulse control is at an all-time low (read: Libra Will Smith’s recent Outburst at the Oscars). 

Solar Eclipse In Taurus: Creative Money-Making

Fortunately, things will go from Apocalypse Now to Eat, Pray Love circa April 19, when the Sun moves from aggressive Aries to peacemaker Taurus, prompting us to focus less on goal-directed activity (Aries) and reflect more on how we feel about ourselves (Taurus)—including how our self-esteem (or lack thereof) impacts not only how well we relate to others, but to how capable we feel in relating to the material world. 

Taurus 101.

Creature comforts, daily routines and how we earn money are of prime importance when it comes to the sign of Taurus, and the Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30 begins a 6 month period of re-thinking how we handle (or react to) stressors that challenge our sense of emotional and economic stability. 

In many ways, this eclipse is all about getting back to basics. What (and who) do we value? How much do we believe our time and energy is worth? Have we been undervaluing ourselves and what we have to offer, taking whatever comes our way and hoping for the best? Or have we been complacent when it comes to Love and Money, choosing to rest on laurels and indulge in the notion that ignorance is bliss? And speaking of bliss, if you feel like we’ve been just “getting by” when it comes to your romantic and/or financial life, it may be time to ask yourself why. 

Whatever questions we face this month, the Taurus Solar Eclipse is a pivotal moment in our personal transition as we contemplate ways of re-inventing ourselves in a post-pandemic world. For one, it’s a powerful fresh start for capitalizing on your creative side, re-invigorating our desire to pursue new strategies to combine our creative desires with how we earn our income. 

Solar Eclipse in Taurus: Nurturing Friendships.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of attraction, which happens to form multiple auspicious alignments to Jupiter in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn, all signifying the potential for success in attracting material wealth, so there are sure to be some juicy opportunities in the offing. 

The Sabian Symbol for the degree of this eclipse is: “A woman sprinkling flowers,” meant to symbolize “the soul’s determination to give constant and tangible manifestation of its creative powers…The keyword is CARE.” 

With this we’re reminded that developing good habits is key to developing good relationships, as strengthening our social network is ultimately the best way to ensure (and even increase) our net worth. Whether through business clients, personal friends or brand new connections, taking the initiative to nurture, repair and build relationships now is the key to seeing lucrative results in the long-run.