Astrologer Psychologer

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Libra New Moon 2020: Sharp Objects

At this Libra New Moon, exact at 3:31 PM (EDT), the focus is undoubtedly on Relationships, for not only is this New Moon in the “Relationship” sign of Libra but the chart for this lunation is chock full of opposition aspects, further emphasizing all our “one-on-one” dealings with (Significant) Others.

And with this New Moon at a tense angle to the lingering Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, we’ll be forced to confront “toxic” relationship dynamics, whether this involves a nagging inability to trust so that you isolate and put walls up (Saturn)—or if you dive into intense relationships too compulsively or aggressively (Pluto). 

Like Chiron’s current retrograde through the sign of Aries, Mars’ Retrograde in Aries this Fall points to the need to reconcile our inner “Superman” with the reality that, at the end of the day, we’re still Clark Kent.

Remembering that the pressure to do a lot (or everything) on your own—possibly the feeling that you’re “not enough” without a partner—is more often than not a stressor we exacerbate (and may even create) unknowingly on our own.

In short, we put these feelings of pressure on ourselves when we’re feeling insecure, down on ourselves, as if we’re undeserving of love without performing some heroic, potentially self-sacrificing act. 

Or, and I hesitate to say it, but here goes: if you’ve been lying (there) like a bump on a log all year—I mean, Summer—hiding, doing the bare minimum or, like Sleeping Beauty dreaming wistfully (read: waiting for) a divine, Princess Charming-style rescue?

You, too, might receive an awakening that feels less like a kiss and more like a big fat slap in the face, as Rude Awakenings are en vogue this (Libra) Season, in case you didn’t get the Memo…

Mercury Rx in Scorpio Opposite Uranus: (Rude) Awakenings

Speaking of Rude Awakenings, this is the essence of the opposition between Mercury, now Retrograde in penetrating, intuitive Scorpio, and Uranus in Taurus--the sign of its “Fall.” Uranus is in its fall in Taurus because Uranus is about Abstract Ideas and Freedom of Thought and Action.

Taurus prefers their conversations literal, not to mention insist on keeping whatever control they can over the “Status Quo.” This won’t be possible, though, as Mercury’s face-off with Uranus hangs heavy in the air in the days before and after Mercury’s station on October 13, when it begins its Retrograde phase.

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Whenever Mercury is opposite Uranus, there’s a high-strung, nervous tension that seems to permeate our every thought or interaction. Our minds are amped up by Mercury in Scorpio’s alignment to Uranus, and its Retrograde stagnation can pave the way for some serious verbal tongue-lashings that may, unfortunately, be bound to happen.

Secrets are suddenly revealed and skeletons come piling out of proverbial closets, especially in secretive Zodiac signs Scorpio (Mercury) and Taurus (Uranus). All Mercury-Uranus aspects are to some extent associated with both genius minds and “toxic” blurters alike, with obsessive-compulsive thoughts that border on paranoia.

This pertains now to both our relationship deals and financial dealings, as our minds are like pinball machines, trying to compute emotions and rationality without the requisite motivation (Mars Retrograde) or physical/mental wherewithal to focus. 

Either way, the theme of any relationship (particularly marital) spats or spiteful comments revolves around issues of financial security (or lack thereof) stemming from something you’ve been stewing over from the past. 

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How can we concentrate on anything “Rational” with so many unresolved feelings of anger seething, and now bursting to the surface? With Fixed signs Scorpio and Taurus involved, we may learn something unexpected about our (joint) finances that clouds our judgment and leads us to take our frustration out on others. Or you could be on the receiving end of this.

Mars Retrograde only amplifies this effect, making us feel frustrated and impotent, possibly leading us to believe that only if we isolate completely (within a relationship), or “cut out” who we get into those spiteful spats with, can our (emotional) lives continue. 

Financial promises made then abruptly broken; stubborn refusal to compromise; and volcanic eruptions in our private lives are all possible now. Expect financial strain yet considerable, “surprise” opportunities to invest in something or another—a contradiction likely to cause considerable confusion.

But whether you have to let an actual person go or not, the important question is WHY. What triggered you? What are you realizing now is unacceptable behavior to you in the context of a significant relationship? Et al. 

Venus in Virgo Opposite Neptune: Critical v. Compassionate

Venus falls in Decan 2 of Virgo, the sign of its Detriment, sub-ruled by planet Saturn. In other words, this is the weakest placement for Venus, dampening all of our powers of attraction.

Venus in Virgo in general feels awkward, shy, and is often extremely materialistic or selfish in that “bottom line” kind of way.

Which is why Venus’ opposition to Neptune in Pisces is, conversely, the most auspicious aspect of this New Moon chart. This is because Venus in Virgo trines the Jupiter-Neptune Sextile, exact on October 12, bringing a healthy dose of Compassion to balance out any, ahem, “Constructive” Critiques. 

In fact, with Uranus in Taurus answering to Venus in Virgo, we could be extra materialistic or selfish at this New Moon, which contradicts the Sun-Moon in Libra’s insistent focus on Relationships.

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But this is where Neptune in Pisces comes into play, as its opposition to Neptune will only dissolve whatever ill-gotten gains and won’t hesitate to take them away. 

Neptune is the cosmic Santa Claus, where we find joy in giving rather than the receiving part of it all.

So while Neptune opposite Venus is often associated with romantic or financial delusions, inflating our egos and testing our desirability with Mars now Retrograde in Aries, whatever disappointments you experience re: Love & Money may be pash selfishness that now you find coming back to haunt you somehow. 

Neptune in Pisces’ M.O., we mustn’t forget, is to Escape, and with its Sextile to Jupiter in Capricorn (yet another planet in its Detriment/Fall at this New Moon on the 16th) making us want to retreat from the Material World and its (overwhelming) demands. 

The keynote of this New Moon in Libra at such a restrictive, stressful angle to both Saturn and Pluto in strict Taskmaster Capricorn, we find ourselves “in our heads” quite a bit as our minds attempt to recalibrate when it comes to the question of how to assess our significant relationships.

Libra Sun-Moon Square Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn: Restrictive Relationships

With the tension between the Libra New Moon and the now infamous Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, it’s like we’re busting out of Relationship Prison.

Now that (most of us, anyway) have been considerably isolated from the lives and in some ways the identities we had—or the futures we (believed) that we were building—how do we evaluate where we want to go next and, more importantly, with whom?

With both Mars in Aries and Mercury in Scorpio now moving Retrograde, there’s a lot of anger that we’re processing this Season. If you think about it, it makes sense: what happens when we’ve been thinking in terms of our literal survival, focusing intently on our ability to meet our basic needs on every level, leaving us physically (Mars) and mentally (Mercury) exhausted and drained.

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Now, as if we’ve just emerged from the Sea, gasping for Relationship Air—Air signs = Relationships and Communication and Networking, remember—only to realize that now our need for a social/romantic life is screaming for attention.

It’s as if our Relationship Windshield is finally un-fogged, but it’s not clear yet what to do (or say) when it comes to how to address that foggy residue in whatever relationships have become overly restrictive. 

So before you go surgically excising anyone deemed “toxic” from your Life, I want to pause for a moment and consider the Cutting Out Toxic People dialogue—or inner monologue—we’ve been hearing about here, there and, well, basically everywhere it seems.

First, the Double Retrograde of Mars in Ambitious Aries, followed by Mercury in Self-Directed Scorpio, we’re both determined yet constantly stymied when it comes to manifesting, taking concrete action, or what have you.

This, consequently, leads to a considerable degree of frustration at best and smoldering, long-unreleased anger at worst. So in short? Not the best time for “cutting” anything. Or using sharp objects. Or making major decisions, really.