Astrologer Psychologer

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Scorpio Full Moon 2020: Uncomfortable Truths

On May 7 marks a potentially fruitful Scorpio Full Moon—the aptly-named “Flower Moon” of 2020—exact at 6:46 AM (EDT). 

The Moon is in its “Fall” in Scorpio, and is especially stubborn in Decan 2. When a planet is in its Fall, it’s as if it’s “homeless”—our emotions, in this case, feel trapped and like they must be concealed or bottled before we do something drastic.

Our reactions to circumstances are extreme with the Moon in Scorpio. But at the same time it’s about confronting Uncomfortable Truths—in this case about the current uncertainty of our daily lives.

This Full Moon on May 7 pushes us to examine the way(s) we’ve been coping (or not coping) and challenges us to express our dissatisfaction in productive, compassionate ways rather than in acts of impulsive frustration.

Though there aren’t very many exact (or nearly-exact) aspects in this Full Moon chart, there’s a noticeably heavy concentration of planets in the Southern (top) hemisphere of the chart.

So there’s a focus on outer achievements and connecting with the outside world. In other words, we’re striving now to cope with daily life, trying to be productive & “get things done.”

Consequently, there’s a “hurry up and wait” feel that comes with this Full Moon—and Scorpio does not like to wait. 

Scorpio Moon: Need for Reinvention

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The Moon is changeable and represents our most authentic, emotional expression of self. No matter what your other sign placements are, your Moon sign is—in my experience—typically the most revealing in terms of describing the individual’s most innate, natural or “uncensored” expression of themselves.

The Moon describes how we are when we’re young children, without the conditioning that comes with age and other influences.

Leo Moons are naturally dramatic; Cancer Moons are naturally very sensitive; Aquarius Moons are naturally somewhat detached when it comes to their emotional expression. 

The Moon—ironically, somewhat like Saturn—demands that we express the energy (or find some way of coping with) of the sign it’s in. In other words, those Leo Moons may be more or less dramatic depending on the Moon’s house placement and aspects, but the keynote here is that every Leo Moon *needs* drama in order to fulfill their most basic, unconscious emotional self.

If Leo Moon doesn’t express themselves dramatically in word or action, then it’s almost a guarantee that they’re likely to attract dramatic people to them—whether they like it or not. Scorpio is symbolized by the phoenix rising from the ashes, and represents the process of death and rebirth. Scorpio Moons need to reinvent themselves constantly in order to survive and thrive.

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Framed another way, the demand for constant change described by the Moon in Scorpio speaks to why Uranus is “Exalted” in Scorpio. Uranus symbolizes large-scale, sweeping (often sudden) change that is designed to ultimately force revolution as we enter periods of enlightenment.

The life of a Scorpio Moon is similar in that the demand for constant reinvention is implicit. Yet, changeable though she is, the Moon is all about our inner worlds, our unconscious personalities and unfiltered emotional reactions. 

This describes the central challenge of those born with their natal Moon in Scorpio: How can you reinvent your unconscious patterns of behavior or gut reactions?

Scorpio Moon is often uncomfortable in their own skin because one of their more problematic habits involve outbursts of Truth, whether they’re the ones speaking it or if they’re on the receiving end.

Getting comfortable both with listening to and expressing “their Truth” is essential for Scorpio Moon in order for them to find a sense of completeness in life. (I mean, look at Beyoncé).   

Mercury-Neptune + Venus-Neptune: Secrets, Secrets…

Fortunately, in this Full Moon chart, the Scorpio Moon plugs loosely into an exact Mercury-Neptune sextile in Taurus-Pisces, granting us a higher level of sensitivity and insight that allows us to tap into a deeper level of “Truth” or “Enlightenment” when it comes to the need to reinvent some aspect of our daily lives and even how we react to new information.

For instance, 2-3 months into the ongoing Coronavirus epidemic, one realization many of us are having to cope with now is that waiting for things to “go back to normal” isn’t a viable solution in the long-run. Whatever aspect of your life—your job, your family life, your relationship—you may be “feeling it” in the most, the theme with the Scorpio Moon is straightforward—it’s about confronting uncomfortable truths. 

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Whatever way you need to reinvent yourself now will depend on where this Full Moon occurs in your birth chart. The process of reinvention may be easier said than done, however. This is partially because reinvention is, indeed, a process and doesn’t happen overnight.

But there’s a clear battle in this chart between confronting truths and the desire to continue operating in a state of denial. This is not only because we have three planets in Taurus—Uranus, Sun and Mercury—in the 12th house of the chart. With the Moon in the 6th house of the chart opposite Sun-Mercury in Taurus in the 12th house + the Neptunian focus adds a “servile,” Piscean feel to this lunation.

Whenever Neptune is involved, it’s as if there’s a fog around us. We’re feeling foggy and we’re considerably out of touch now when it comes to our desires, what we value—not just what we need but what we want in life. This is indicated by the Venus-Neptune square, in effect for quite a while now, leaving a lingering feeling of tension as Venus ends its pre-retrograde shadow phase and gets ready to go fully retrograde on May 13.

Whether it’s a Denial Fog, Fantasy Fog, Frustration Fog, or some combination of them all, there’s a need to face up to and restructure our daily lives in small ways rather than fall prey to existing in our Bubble Boy status quo.

We may be physically drained by the monotony of our surroundings, frustrated with our daily lives yet bottling it up for the sake of keeping whatever “new normal” we’ve managed to create over the past couple months.

But with Venus, Jupiter and Saturn all about to turn Retrograde (literally within days of one another) circa May 13, there’s a contrary pull to (temporarily) put things on hold—not a terribly bad idea for the time being.