Your Guide to Mercury Retrograde in Pisces 2020


What is Mercury Retrograde?

I often get asked “what Mercury Retrograde means.” The more stereotypical (though sometimes uncannily accurate) descriptions of Mercury Retrograde include quite the list of snafus: missing deadlines, procrastination, getting sick or feeling physically exhausted, technological breakdowns, financial miscalculations, travel plans going awry, mess-ups with the mail system, interpersonal problems, and delays of all different kinds.

Even with this short list, it’s more the frequency of Mercury’s Retrograde cycles, which occur approximately 3 times, for approximately 3 weeks each, every calendar year. So it makes sense, in a sense, that it does in fact seem like Mercury “is always” in Retrograde— an erroneous subject of blame for every misstep under the Sun.

So while it’s true that Mercury Retrogrades are not uncommon and are periods of considerable frustration, if indeed “Timing is Everything,” then understanding what it means to be “in Retrograde” is extremely useful when it comes to navigating tricky entanglements with maximum patience and self-awareness.

“This too shall pass” is a good phrase for Mercury Retrograde—as neglecting this fact is typically what leads most of us to say or do things we later regret.

Mercury 101

Knowledge of what planet Mercury represents in Astrology is key to answering the question of what it means when it turns Retrograde. In Greek Mythology, Mercury is associated with the God Hermes, known as the Messenger of the Gods.

Hermes was the only figure in mythology who had the ability to travel between Mount Olympus and the Underworld, delivering messages between the Gods above and Hades below unscathed. As the Deliverer of Top-Secret Messages, you can see why Mercury has everything to do with one primary theme: Communication.

In Astrology, Mercury is the planet associated with the way we think, how we communicate, and even the content of our thoughts. The sign your natal Mercury falls in, for example, as well as its aspects to the other planets in your birth chart, shows not only the type of thoughts you have but how you express (or don’t express) those thoughts.

Words are powerful, both spoken and unspoken. Written words can be redacted, retracted, forged or even erased; but the spoken word is very difficult to take back. This is why there are so many adages re: the Power of Speaking Truth—because once the words are spoken, they may be atoned for, but they cannot be undone.

Mercury in Pisces

In Pisces, Mercury is in its Detriment—though with Pisces being a Water sign, it’s less a question of the capacity for compassion than of important truths evaded, left unspoken, radically repressed or continually denied. Pisces, like its opposite sign Virgo, is often attracts and thus accumulates a slew of Secrets.

Seen as the “Helpers” of the Zodiac, it’s almost as if others can sense their Willingness to Help. Virgo copes by hiding themselves away, whether they lock themselves up in the Library or the Office, eyes intently focused on some screen or another, this acts as a defensive maneuver that’s effective when it comes to protecting their precious feelings of Productivity, yet can make them somewhat insular if not completely antisocial.

Unlike Virgo, Pisces are more sensitive—another reason why Mercury is in its Detriment in Pisces. And though they often dream of living on some deserted island in a land far, far away, they’re so acutely aware of all the Problems in the World that they can’t sit back and not, well, get involved. Pisces careers often involve giving back to their Community in some way or another, whether they attain fame and fortune or not.

Mercury Retrograde Guide: Important Dates

Despite the common assumption that Mercury Retrograde leads to catastrophe, this is not the case. Rather it’s a cosmic opportunity to press our existential Pause buttons, slowing us down yes, but in doing so allowing us the mental space to re-frame, re-think & ultimately get us “unstuck” from the nagging worries stored in our less conscious minds. By bringing these thoughts back to the surface, the goal is to tune into whatever’s holding us back—to find new approaches or solutions to old problems. 

Feb 2020 Mercury Rx.png
March 2020 Mercury Rx.png

The tense times are really those of the days leading up to and immediately following Mercury’s Stations (e.g., 2/16 & 3/9)—the dates in dark blue. This is when the Brain Fog is densest, when we feel most exhausted and confused, forget to put appointments in our Google calendars, plan unrealistic trips and the like. Why? Because it’s at these times we’re living as if Time is not a factor. 

In the days leading up to the Retrograde & Direct Station, we’re not very considerate and highly subjective, as we feel our emotional and physical needs most urgently. This is true to some extent of the Pre-Retrograde Shadow period as well, as this is when mistakes and misconceptions run most rampant. 

In contrast, the Post-Retrograde Shadow phase is when these mistakes are atoned for and miscommunications rectified as new information enters the picture. 

Mercury Pre-Shadow Phase

In the Pre-Shadow phase of Mercury Retrograde, this is when mistakes are made, which will be reflected upon during its main phase. Once Mercury leaves the days of its Stationary period and enters the main phase of its Retrograde—the dates in Pink—our sensitivity becomes less of a challenge & more of a strength.

This is especially true with the New Moon in Pisces on 2/23, which gives us a major leg up when it comes to taking the time to go back & tie up loose ends, rectify miscommunications or reevaluate plans & edit projects (or our approach to them).  

Pisces decan 2 is the most challenging, as it’s ruled by the Moon, making us extremely sensitive to our environments. Mercury Rx in Pisces makes us more susceptible to depressed moments or feelings of loneliness. If this means making yourself scarce in order to protect yourself from stressful environments now, then this may be what’s necessary.

While Mercury is in the second decan of Pisces, where it’ll be from during its Pre-Shadow phase—the dates in Light Blue—we feel acutely sensitive to our environments and resultant feelings of angst, discomfort or isolation, with confusion peaking around the days leading up to and immediately following 2/16—the dates in Dark Blue.

Mercury Stationary Retrograde

When Mercury (or any planet about to turn Retrograde) is in its Stationary period—the dates in Red—are the ones ripest for misspeaking, mishearing or misinterpreting, so might best be used for escaping into solitude or used for reflection than action. And as the old saying goes, if you don’t have anything nice to say then it might be better not to say much at all. If this means making yourself scarce in order to protect yourself from stressful environments now, then this may be what’s necessary.

A word of caution to the Wise—Pisces decan 2 is notoriously prone to “eat their feelings” as a means of coping with their sensitivity. And as anyone with personal planets in their birth chart knows, Pisces often has quite the sweet tooth. So to any Dieters out there, beware overdoing it with sugar in the form of alcohol or food, particularly when Mercury is in its Pre-Retrograde Shadow and on the days around its Station. 

These days (the dates in Red) are the ones ripest for misspeaking, mishearing or misinterpreting, so might best be used for escaping into solitude. And, as they say, if you don’t have anything nice to say then it might be better not to say much at all. If this means making yourself scarce in order to protect yourself from stressful environments now, then this may be what’s necessary. 

Mercury Post-Shadow Phase

As Mercury leaves its 3 week Retrograde, it turns Stationary Direct—again, the dates in dark blue—at the end of its main phase. During these days too there’s an increased likelihood of impulsive decisions or speaking too soon. Because while the main phase—dates in Pink—are best for regrouping and making a plan to recoup our losses, any life “pivots” we’ve conceived are best put into action (or most likely to take flight) in the days of its Post-Shadow phase—the dates in March in Light Blue.

During the Dark Blue dates in March as Mercury Stations again to turn back to Direct motion, we need to watch that we don’t shoot ourselves in the foot (or put our foot in our mouths) by speaking too soon, or pushing forward on decisions or action, as new information is still coming to light.

The Post-Shadow phase is when our Retrograde Realizations crystallize, distill and become ideas we can act on, in other words. Not impulsively, but with kindness, compassion (mostly for ourselves in this case) and making good on promises, intentions set, and getting our good karma—not to mention our GROOVE—back.