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Mercury Retrograde in Cancer 2020: Sensitivity Training

Mercury is a symbol of Communication, our Thinking, and our ability to process information. Consequently, Mercury is the natural ruler of the 3rd house, concerned with the day-to-day, surface level facets of life. 

In cautious Cancer, Mercury turns our thoughts into preoccupations with financial and emotional security (really, the emotional security that financial security brings). This is the theme that is essentially the subtext of this Mercury Retrograde in Cancer, a cycle that lasts from June 2 through July 26, including its pre- and post-Retrograde shadow phases. 

At the start of this Mercury Retrograde, there’s a comforting recalcitrance in the collective refusal to continue to accept the current status quo yet distinct sense of despair in the air.

For one, we’re still reeling from the emotional drain and whatever emotional endings or losses we continue to be forced to face only two weeks ago at the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius.

And as if that wasn’t enough, with Mercury’s Retrograde in Cancer and Venus still Retrograde (about to turn direct) in Gemini, Water and Air are emphasized, making us hypersensitive to every tone and wording, prone to overanalyze minutiae of every text, tweet or email exchange. In other words? The keyword of this Mercury Retrograde period highlights the dual faces of possibly Cancer’s most infamous of stereotypical traits: SENSITIVITY

Mercury Rx in Cancer: Treading Through the Spiderwebs

Sensitivity is a tricky word, as it contains, like the sign of Cancer itself, such extreme duality of meaning. On one hand, sensitive individuals possess a heightened awareness to the point of psychic receptivity; on the other, it makes sense when you think about it, that this level of prolonged, heightened awareness of one’s environment is the definition of “both a blessing and a curse.” 

For instance, attunement to others’ emotions can be a very useful tool, but is it truly useful if you’re not in tune with (or, at worst, drowning in) your own? And furthermore, what happens when you pick up on so many vibrations, moods or tones that you become unable to remain (emotionally) stable? 

The same is true for many Cancer buzzwords—Sympathetic, Empathetic, Emotional, Receptive...Take Sympathy. Being there for someone who’s been there for you in the past, for instance, whether it’s showing up just by listening or offering help can, depending on the message’s delivery, be the act of a caring friend, or it can be patronizing or insulting (like when a friend or co-worker won’t stop asking you “if you’re okay,” despite that you’ve repeatedly reassured them you’re “fine” aka “don’t really feel like talking about it” (…with them). 

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If you think about it, being called stubborn, much like being labelled sensitive, is the Platonic example of the Backhanded Compliment. Stubbornness, for one, implies at once an uncompromising and potentially infuriating control-oriented type yet connotes an equally loyal, tenacious and persevering personality. 

Such is Cancer’s burden to bear—intuitive and emotionally aware, picking up on the subtlest cues, instincts, not to mention every mood in the room. But with this can easily come a propensity toward hyper-vigilance, defensiveness or (impulsive) outbursts of anger or imagination (you never know with Cancer) in response to the even slightest stimulus. 

This is especially true if Cancer stays socially isolated for too long, as their intuitive energy that typically helps them “see the light”of insight gets turned inward, awakening crusty cobwebs of fear and potentially-paralyzing levels of paranoia. 

If your birth chart is blessed with any planets in Water signs—especially in Cancer or Pisces—you’re naturally imbued with these naturally beguiling and intuitive qualities. But highly empathetic or so-called sensitive people tend to pick up on everything and everyone’s emotions in the atmosphere that even a trip to the store is an emotionally-charged (if not exhausting) experience. 

Mercury in Water Signs and Communication Paradigms

What Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces) all have in common is their association with cleansing, alchemical processes—metamorphoses—implicitly understanding that there are happenings in life that defy rational explanation, and that these are often the most interesting (or even most important) to pay attention to. 

Cancer is extremely nurturing; but this is why they choose who they let into their inner circles so carefully, often relying exclusively on family ties, significant others and BFFs only. At least when it comes to the “Important Stuff.” 

Though penny-pinching when it comes to both financial and emotional energy is one of Cancer’s signature traits, given the current restrictions of our circumstances, we’re forced between a crab shell and a hard place—either be stingy with our time and attention or risk jeopardizing important relationships. 

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Whether we find ourselves in a lighthearted conversation that suddenly goes sour, have reached a point where we find ourselves unable to continue feeling like we’re walking on eggshells or just don’t know whether that friend of yours you used to see at least once a week is still your closest confidant or if you really are drifting apart. 

As a result of trying to maintain an even keel on this front, we may inadvertently express ourselves “in fits and starts,” so to speak, reacting out of fear of being alone, of abandonment, of rejection—out of a fear that we alone are not enough. 

Mercury Sextile Uranus & Square Chiron: Complexes & Co-Dependencies

Mercury’s major aspects during this period—a sextile to Uranus, in its Fall in Taurus, and a squirmy square to asteroid Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries—represent important lessons highlighted by this particular Mercury Retrograde in Cancer. Like all aspects in Astrology, there are pros and cons, particularly with the combination of Chiron and Uranus involved. 

For one, the Mercury’s aspects to Uranus and Chiron in Aries—both exact on June 5, July 1, and July 21—indicate an advantageous “antidote” to the Traditionalism of Cancer + Uranus in Taurus, facilitating mental breakthroughs that can lead to long-term benefits as we approach the cosmic push of the Cancer Solar Eclipse. 

Chiron in Aries and Uranus’ aspects to Mercury in Cancer means finding our individuality, re-discovering our inner pioneer and pushing ourselves to break deeply unconscious habit patterns, for instance. But the symbolism of Uranus is exactly opposite of Taurus and Cancer, who both tend to fear the New, preferring as they do the (perceived) safety of the Tried and True. 

But getting rid of a relationship or cutting off contact with someone we’ve deemed “toxic,” for instance, doesn’t address the lingering question of how you ended up in that relationship, situation or circumstance. What drew you to it is just as significant (if not more so) in the long-run when it comes to examining our own karma and the people, environments or occupations we find comfort in (and why). This highlights the importance of Mercury’s aspects to Uranus & Chiron, which serve to remind us at different points in its Retrograde cycle of our emotional, material & psychological dependencies…

One point to consider? Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries in the mix means more difficulty forgiving ourselves for whatever dependencies we discover. Like little electric shocks, secrets, realizations or memories emerge now that seem like details or are typically dismissed disrupt our thinking or daily lives. But in doing so, we become infused with deeper insight, or a new perspective on an emotional conversation or relationship we thought we’d put behind us, but in reality may not be completely “over.”

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That said, if we find ourselves jumping to cut someone or something out of our lives without some level of consideration, reflection or introspection—even if somewhat unpleasant thoughts come to mind in the process—whatever emotional shocks we encounter are hints that we might not be doing the inner work we think we are. 

One more obvious possibility in the context of Mercury’s aspect cycles to Uranus and Chiron simultaneously is the realization that, for the first time really, you’re relying completely and totally on yourself, for example, to take care of every need—emotional, social, spiritual, physical, practical—with little if any help. This is both terrifying and empowering. 

But it’s a prime example of the case where being able to accept (forgive, really) your need for others—for a family and a community you can trust and rely on no matter what—is the crux of the Mercury in Cancer conundrum. That is--what is the difference between interdependence and codependency? Between Independence and Self-Reliance vs. Community and Partnership?

Much like the fear of running into your long-forgotten Ex in the street on a Saturday afternoon, it’s part of the Mercury Retrograde process—when Mercury moves backwards through any Water sign—to revisit situations that force us to re-experience some uncomfortable emotions.

The challenge, then, is to revisit uncomfortable emotions to see how we can use insight gained to tune more deeply into the role we play in creating our own circumstances without blaming, shaming or degrading ourselves. Or worse—brooding (or blatantly blaming others) over them.

Does this mean all our co-dependencies are complexes? No. Yet the mental cobwebs of guilt we weave are sometimes so intricate and subtle that they do become complexes once enough time has passed. It’s difficult to let go of the things we’re used to, the things we trust, the things we feel that we’re in control of, just as it’s difficult to let go of whatever “shiny balls”—idealized vacations, romances or moves to faraway places—or extravagant visions we’ve been conjuring while in isolation. 

Ideally, whatever dependencies we notice still stalling our personal growth—the SPIDERWEBS we find ourselves tangled in time and time again—should at the very least be acknowledged now—especially when it comes to clearly communicating what’s bothering us without flying off the handle, for example. 

Bottling vs. Belligerence

Taken together, the concurrent aspects of Mercury to Uranus and Chiron could entail flashes of sudden insight or deeper layers of realization when it comes to a past emotional trauma or wound that hasn’t fully healed.

The thing is, though, that Water signs (especially Pisces, but Cancer too) are not known for their ability to express their needs and desires directly. Instead, unless they can “just do it” on their own (read: without telling anyone), their innate preference is to suggest, intimate, hint at or joke about whatever it is they want—only to flip the f*** out if (when) their family, friends (whoever’s in the room, really) just isn’t seeming to get their “obvious” telepathic memo. 

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But with Mars in Pisces during this time, we’re likely to experience a considerable degree of frustration, prolonging our feelings of isolation and rejection. Like Tom Hanks in Castaway, Pisces is the Loner of the Zodiac. But with this comes the tendency to bottle our anger, as the emphasis on Cancer and Pisces energy is so pervasive for much of June into early July. 

So though this process may not always be “productive” in terms of manifesting or checking off our To-Do lists, there’s value in taking note of whatever thought-feelings come up now, as these are an integral part of the “healing crisis” we’re all going through on some level when it comes to Communication right now. 

This could involve retroactive repair of certain, previously “unsustainable” relationships, interpersonal dynamics or unrealistic expectations given less-than-ideal circumstances, but trying to surgically excise whatever it is about the structures of our daily lives that bring us emotional pain is not the same as Moving on or Letting go.  

Mercury Pre-Retrograde Shadow: June 2 - June 18

The second Mercury Retrograde of 2020 begins its pre-Retrograde shadow in Cancer on June 2. From June 2 - 7, while in its pre-Retrograde shadow period, Mercury moves through Decan 1 (0°- 10°) of Cancer, ruled by the Moon. 

The Moon-ruled side of Cancer is that which we associate with the nurturing, Motherlike aspect of the Moon and gives the personality a more timid and shy nature. This decan is more vulnerable, gullible and naive yet has the strongest gut instinct, absorbing everything and every feeling in their immediate atmosphere.

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Dealing with “frenemies” may be a theme. Some of us might have the feeling that we’re walking on eggshells every time we open our mouths or even attempt a civilized discussion—especially on the topic of family finances or any other “domestic disturbance” that may come up. 

With Mars in Pisces at the time of Mercury’s Retrograde, it lends the week of June 14 - 20 a feeling of stress stemming from confusion, lack of direction or helplessness—or that respite can only be found if we make some grandiose sacrifice to get what we want/need in some respect. But Mars is Mars, and you can’t put Baby (Mars) in a corner. And what Baby wants, Baby gets…

Mercury Retrograde: June 18 - July 12

Then Mercury goes Retrograde at 14º 46’ Cancer on at 12:59 am (EDT) on June 18—only three days prior to the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21st. We begin this Mercury Retrograde phase in Decan 2 (10°- 20°) of Cancer, sub-ruled by Mars, coloring our vision.

This may lead us to “see red” as we stew over comments or conversations lingering in our mental ether like dusty cobwebs in need of a long-overdue Spring Cleaning. Or looking at the world through the eyes of that Green-Eyed Monster of Jealousy, able as we are with Mercury in Cancer to imagine any number of possible scenarios. 

Even if forgotten fears resurface or long-held secrets are unceremoniously revealed, if we take the time to process them, we stand to gain a rare moment of insight and understanding in terms of what triggers our subconscious fears (or past experiences) of abandonment and isolation. 

During this Mercury Retrograde cycle, not only will your most deeply buried (co)-dependencies come up for examination, but so will your instinctual feelings about—including your implicit biases and conditioned responses to—interdependence vs. codependency. 

With this in mind, the dates surrounding Mercury’s exact station on June 17- 18 (dates in Red) feel inexplicably harsh, unexpectedly emotional and even physically painful. The battle between bottling and vulnerable self-expression of emotions (anger, mostly) is one that can create such tension and indecision that nervous ailments can arise in the physical body—especially the stomach. 

Mercury Post-Retrograde Shadow: July 13 - July 26

Finally, Mercury’s Direct Station occurs @ 5º 29' of Cancer on July 11 - 12 (dates in Red). By the time Mercury completes its Post-Retrograde shadow period on July 26, we’ll (hopefully) be entering a period of catharsis if not respite at least—both, at this point, much-deserved. 

How can we listen and be empathetic/sympathetic without taking on the problems of the world until we can’t sleep without a cocktail of Ambien and...I don’t know, other stuff.

How can we be there for (or at least maintain a sensible level of sensitivity toward) the people in our worlds without necessarily taking care of them (or at least without trying to solve their problems)?

Do you notice yourself obsessing over situations where you don’t have (or feel like you have) control? Are you comfortable accepting the kind of love that involves depending on another? If not, why?

These are the kinds of questions we should be contemplating during this phase of Mercury Retrograde in Cancer. In choosing to confront uncomfortable emotions with compassion and self-honesty, what feels like a shock to the system in June could resurface as a surprise once Mercury clears its post-Retrograde shadow come (late) July.

Lighting Up the Peace Pipe

Fortunately, once the week of June 28 rolls around and Mercury in changeable, intuitive Cancer moves from Decan 2 back into Decan 1, ruled by the Moon, the mood shifts from Frustration to Finding Your Flow, as we suddenly feel like putting down our protest signs for a minute and get ready to light our peace pipes. 

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As we move slowly but steadily through the astrological cataclysm known as “Eclipse Season,” the last ten days or so of July bring with it a slowly-building sense of clarity, leading us to feel less pressured and more in tune with Reality—even if it means the ending of what for some may’ve been a prolonged life of Isolated Fantasy. 

Clearing our psyche of sensitivity cobwebs that block us from engaging without diminishing the intricacy of our beautifully receptive and surprisingly strong spiderwebs. Scheduling some High Teas. Getting back to reality. Though these may not sound super fun, trust me—they’ll be a complex yet ultimately welcome reprieve.

Letting painful memories and flashes of insight gained into the contradictory dynamics that define us without drowning in them or trying to demolish our delicate boundaries in the process.

The goal here is to better understand the way we engage (or refuse to) when confronted with the pain or perceived neediness of others—and to question whether their neediness is really a projection of our own tendency to codependency. 

But without pain there is no growth. So even though it’s not about manifesting our Manifest Destiny (at least not right now, so please don’t firmly commit to let alone sign anything), this Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is an extremely rare opportunity to—no, not “manifest”—but “do the inner work,” as they say.