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Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2021: Alice in Wonderland

Eclipse Season 2021 kicks off with a Total Lunar Eclipse in risk-taking Sagittarius, exact on May 26 at 7:14 am (EDT). 

With the Moon in Sagittarius, our focus will surely be on “getting out there” again in some way or another. Yet at the same time, slowing down is necessary, as is the need to cut ourselves some much-needed slack and take a couple steps back.

Sagittarius is the pre-eminent Thrill-Seeker of the Zodiac, whose impetus for life is an eternal Curiosity, always looking for new experiences, which with maturity often distill into sudden bursts of Wisdom. 

The Sagittarius Moon reminds us that we must be present in the moment with no expectations about the “outcome,” to experience the wonders of the world.

Learning and Exploration are Sagittarian themes in the language of Astrology, imbuing those born under this Sun Sign with a certain restlessness, if not an insatiable appetite for Excitement.

Boredom is the enemy when the Moon is in Sagittarius—especially when it comes to the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26. 

Like Alice following the White Rabbit down the rabbit hole, we’re bored with the humdrum and are filled with the need to get out and experience life and all its curiosities again.

But are we willing to blindly follow that White Rabbit (“too busy”) or Cheshire Cat (“ghoster”) knowing it might be an exciting adventure, but could lead us to the Red Queen (“off with their head”) in the end? 

The point is that where you end up is not the point right now. Because wherever we direct our energy now is based on an impulsive expression of the need for adventure and exploration—not goal-oriented activity. 

So, this is the trick of this Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Are you able to take an unknown path, knowing you might be disappointed in the end? Or will you cling to your delusions, dreams and comfort zones until you drown in them?

Mercury + Venus in Gemini Square Neptune: Brain Fog

It won’t be easy to answer such questions with this Eclipse, as a very potent Venus-Mercury conjunction in Gemini, both in a tense alignment to Neptune in Pisces, makes it feel as if we’re driving through a heavy fog with broken wipers and can’t see out the windshield. 

This adds a frustrating sense of inertia to whatever curiosity we've been wanting to pursue, and it may feel like we’ll never get out of whatever rabbit holes we’ve dug ourselves into…

For one, our lack of energy has already built up to a point where it feels almost impossible to concentrate on any one task or chore, let alone take on anything (or anyone) more. 

On top of this, it’ll be challenging to discern between an Epiphany and a Delusion now. The answer to this will become clearer towards the end of June, when Mercury turns direct on June 22.

But in the meantime, it’s clear that late May through June of 2021 will be a time of overwhelming confusion for all. And with both Mercury and Venus in Gemini forming a powerful square to Neptune in Pisces, we’ll be highly distractible at this Eclipse—more so, in fact, than we may’ve been all year.


In addition to the Confusion inherent in Mercury and Venus at a challenging angle to Neptune, there’s a tendency toward instant gratification with Mercury-Venus in Gemini. But with both planets in tense alignment to Neptune? Do your best not to deceive or manipulate others with this Eclipse. 

Why? Because Mercury and Venus in Gemini (especially when stationing retrograde, as Mercury is at this Eclipse) is prone to, well, lie. Not on purpose necessarily. But what’s behind a lie? Outside the obvious manipulation part—which, let’s be honest, doesn’t really work in the long-run anyway, no matter how slick we might think we are—lying to others begins when we lie to ourselves. 

Consequently, surrounding yourself with people you know and trust is paramount with this Eclipse, as Smooth Talk and Sweet Talk will be all but impossible to differentiate between— especially when it comes to what we (think) we want romantically. 

Mars Trine Neptune: Emotional Safety Needs + the Anxieties of Curiosity

Neptune + Saturn and Mercury’s stationary retrogrades all point to a need to feel emotionally safe. But as drained as we may be, complete and total avoidance only leads to isolation and emotional pain. 

Thus the question we’ve all been contemplating in some form or another: Is there a way to (re-) enter the world while somehow taking a break from it all?

Is there a way to explore new paths and curiosities that pique our interest while protecting our emotional safety?

With our Intuition, Emotions and Fantasies taking over at this Total Eclipse in Sagittarius, we may feel like we just can’t keep up with all the different characters and changes of environment our Walk through Wonderland could bring. 

Yet, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it’s a time for healing experiments, introspection, and getting in touch with your compassionate side, confronting fears and anxieties in the process. Because whenever Mars aligns with Neptune, acts of sincere selflessness, kindness and genuine compassion are always those most rewarded in the long-run. 

As a result, those who approach life with Self-Interest Tunnel Vision may not be so happy at the end of the ride, as Neptune in Pisces in alignment with Mercury, Venus and Mars demands a re-examination of romantic ideals and a purification of impulsive urges. 

For some of us, a purge of selfish motives will feel like a sweet release; for others, it may feel more like a prolonged period lost in interpersonal conflict and alienation. But the more you give of yourself, the more you’ll get—that’s the lesson hidden in Mars trine Neptune. 

Lack of Fire Signs + Retrograde Brigade: Peanut Butter Sea


Lunar Eclipses carry with them profound realizations and moments of clarity on “what needs changing” in our lives, depending on which natal house it falls in. Yet, with such a profound lack of planets in Fire signs + Mars in Cancer—the weakest placement for Mars by astrological sign—during this astrologically-packed May-June Eclipse Season, our lack of energy has already built up to a point where it feels almost impossible to concentrate on any one task or chore, let alone take on anything (or anyone) more.

For example, we may realize we don’t have the resources we need to accomplish a particular goal; that we may need a new job but just don’t have the mental or physical energy to go after it right now; that some relationships have become a little too codependent—or, that those of us who’ve been going it alone for far too long just can’t do everything on their own anymore. 

So yes, it’s highly likely you’ll have flashes of insight or creative ideas about changes that need to be made, which will manifest and/or prove fruitful later on. But for the time being, it’s difficult to conjure even the slightest spark of energy, enthusiasm and inspiration, let alone find the drive to accomplish major projects. 

At a time when trying to push forward personal goals or hit specific benchmarks feels like trying to swim through a sea of peanut butter, you might be better off taking a little break from whatever it is you “normally” do. 

So why not put away personal agendas and take an aimless walk through Wonderland with someone else for a change? At the very least, it’ll help you tune into what it is you want and how your deepest, dreamiest desires jive (or don’t) with what it is you need. 

Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: To Manifest or Not to Manifest?

Wants and needs are often conflated in our minds, so honing in on what you need may help you focus less on “manifesting” and more on ways you can work on being kind.

With this in mind, we may be happier if we welcome the retreat from attempts to scramble together a so-called “back to normal” life this Lunar Eclipse offers us now. 

Whatever the case, go out of your way (or out on a limb) for those you care for, and give yourself permission to stop chasing that White Rabbit for a bit and indulge in a good old-fashioned Dog Day Afternoon—or luxuriate for a week of nonsense with the Mad Hatter and a nice, cold Long Island Iced Tea. 

Not everything has to make sense, you see, so just lean into the absurdity. Plus, how much can you really accomplish when no one else is on the same page? (Hint: Just ask Alice).