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Jupiter in Sagittarius 2018: Luck Be A Lady

Happy Thanksgiving! This holiday particularly blessed, as Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun are now transiting the sign of Sagittarius. All of these planets function well in Sagittarius, but Jupiter is the undisputed star of the show, as it’s entering its ruling sign (Sagittarius) for the first time in 12 years. And with all the buzz about this new, year-long cycle, the theme that continues to come up is Luck, Luck, Luck…

What is Luck? (Baby Don’t Hurt Me)

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This is the thing about Luck. Luck is an idea. Luck is a concept. Luck is subjective. So, what is Luck exactly? If you think about it, Luck is mighty vague if not entirely paradoxical: You can be lucky in love but not so lucky with money. You can be lucky in Business but sucky (not so lucky) with Family. Then there’s the question of “state” (transit) vs. “trait” (birth chart) Luck. We all have that friend, for instance, who’s gifted with a sparkling social persona but couldn’t pay rent on time even if they won the lottery.

Yes, Jupiter is viewed as a symbol of cosmic “luck,” just as Sagittarius is often touted as the “luckiest” sign of the zodiac. Jupiter moving through the sign it rules (Sagittarius) definitely strengthens the meaning and potency of this transit. But while so-called lucky circumstances and opportunities may come easily under this transit, without the readiness and willingness to work it, it—whatever “it” is—may or may not amount to the desired outcome. Either way, we’ll be fueled with excitement and optimism needed to get even our most idealistic dreams off the ground.

Blind Faith or Rose-Colored Glasses?

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In Astrology, Jupiter’s link with “Luck” is rooted in the planet’s symbolic association with abundance, opportunity, and willingness to take chances in life. On the other hand, Jupiter in Sagittarius can mean a tendency toward exaggeration, largess and grandiosity in general. So while there will be opportunities to expand and grow in a particular area of life, we must pursue our goals beyond this stage to avoid letting golden opportunities fly away.

The only question, then, is whether we’ll let our Rose-Colored Visions go too far, take on too many opportunities or think we’re suddenly Superwoman and can do it all without a hitch. Do Rose-Colored Glasses=Blind Faith? Not necessarily, but temperance and self-awareness will go a long way if you’d like to reap the maximum benefits of keeping the faith.

How Will Jupiter in Sagittarius Affect You?

To take fullest advantage of this upcoming year, you should first know the house(s) Jupiter will be transiting in your personal birth chart, as well as the aspects (angles) it’ll form to planets and other sensitive points in your personal birth chart.

Here’s a couple of examples to get you thinking. Let’s say Jupiter is moving through your 12th house and is about to cross your Ascendant. The Ascendant is a sensitive angle in your birth chart and represents your persona, the image you project of yourself without realizing it and your physical appearance. Given Jupiter’s association with expansion and largess, this could take the form of your persona going over the top—or on a more literal level, could mean actual weight gain or overindulgence with food and drink. Either way, the point here is that your appearance will become “larger than life” in one way or another.

Optimism + Faith=Freedom

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The main point is here is that sometimes all we need to do to get the ball rolling, so to speak, is to sit down, shut up and put our Rose-Colored Glasses back on. This is what Jupiter in Sagittarius is allowing us to do, giving us the power to see opportunities and go after them. Jupiter in Sagittarius is buoyant and social, so connecting with others will be a theme, as well as connecting with our personal callings in life. There’s an emphasis on Truth and Honesty that comes with Jupiter in Sagittarius which allows us to tap into who we really are and what we really want without fear.

Barring the necessity for hard work in combination with recognition of the opportunities to come, the most important change that will occur with this transit is really about Faith. Jupiter will bring us Faith in ways we may’ve never felt it before. Possibilities will occur to us because our outlook has become optimistic in some way. This sets the stage for positive energy which in turn attracts opportunity. Generosities to others will be paid back to you in spades. Actions you’ve procrastinated for years (or written off altogether) will suddenly feel possible again. And the best part is, they will be.

Want to know how this transit will affect you personally?
Schedule your personal Birth Chart Consultation today!