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Britney Spears: Chart of a Starlet

Every Birth Chart, like every human being, is full of contradictions. Take Fame, for instance. Fame demands Perfection; but Perfection is fundamentally incompatible with Being Human (to err is human, after all). 

Fame objectifies human beings by turning them into images—fantasies that reside in the Collective Unconscious, which we then project onto images of human beings, leading us to morph mere mortals into gods. 

To be a Celebrity, then, is to take on the burden of continuously attempting to embody a fantasy that doesn’t exist, a static image that’s fundamentally incompatible with the dynamic reality of human life.

From the outside looking in, it’s easy to see the link between Fantasy and Fame: Fantasy fuels Fame, making it seem something to be coveted, if only in its association with Social Capital (not to mention Financial Gain).

Yet we rarely consider the individual herself, much less the psychological impact, of living with the constant pressure to embody the impossible Paradox of Perfection.

Because whatever financial benefit or social power the Celebrity herself may gain from Fame, is there any human being who can realistically grow and evolve, much less maintain any degree of “normalcy,” while striving to please others? (Hint: No). 

The reality, unfortunately, is that even the most charismatic, talented individual can (and usually does) lose steam, especially if and when they reach a point of overwork and, on top of it, don’t have the requisite emotional support to sustain them. Plus, everyone needs a break once in a while, right? At least occasionally?

Sympathy is a rarely-afforded Luxury when it comes to a Celebrity—a particularly difficult thing when it comes to Prodigies and Child Stars.

But in no other Astrology chart is the Paradox of Fame so evident as in the Birth Chart of possibly the most talked-about Pop Star of the moment—Ms. Britney Spears.

Sagittarius Sun + Aquarius Moon: Lucky…?

As a Sagittarius Sun with an Aquarius Moon, Britney Spears was born with a combination of Sagittarius Star Power and Aquarian Uniqueness is singular in its ability to attract attention (even if unwanted), often producing noteworthy individuals.

Those born with the stellar Sagittarius/Aquarius Sun-Moon combo include Mozart, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, Woody Allen, and Oprah Winfrey, just to name a few.  

Sagittarius Woman is a force, to be sure. Rarely a wallflower, Sagittarius Ladies tend to lead, effortlessly commanding the attention of everyone in any room they seem to enter, as Sag is (quite literally) impossible to ignore. 

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Glamorous yet down-to-earth, loves to laugh (yes, even at herself) and somehow always radiating warm, positive energy, Sagittarius is a sign who exudes confidence and courage in equal measure. 

But as with any “lucky” planetary combination, it tends to attract attention. And attention is a double-edged sword, as it can feel uplifting and smothering simultaneously, depending on the situation.

It’s not terribly startling, then, when any Star attempts to define themselves as an individual apart from the image or fantasy they’ve lived up to for so long—particularly in the case of Child Stars like Britney.

Saturn-Pluto in 1st House: Slave 4 U

Britney has Saturn and Pluto in Libra in her natal 1st house of self. Saturn in aspect to Pluto in any astrology chart is a combination I’ve come to associate with Imprisonment, no matter what form it may take.

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You see, the Sagittarius-Aquarius is expected to be “on” at all times—a dynamic which by definition is untenable at best and destructive to the developing psyche at worst. 

Think inflated egos, emotional outbursts stemming from long-bottled emotions hidden behind strained smiles, followed inevitably by some kind of temporary or “forced” (read: self-inflicted) retirement.

Or, as in Britney’s case, some form of requisite reclusiveness if not flat out imprisonment, whether it’s in a Gilded Cage or not.

Another Child Prodigy with an Aquarius Moon and a powerful Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Libra whose Career and Love Life trajectory, incidentally, resembles Britney’s? Lil’ Wayne’s.

Both from the South. Both from relatively resource-less upbringings. Both wildly talented, charismatic and effervescing with creative genius while most of us were memorizing multiplication tables. Both with burden of being a Born Original with little desire to conform yet conditioned to believe that if they stop performing, everything (and everyone) will go away.

Both were trained to believe that Love is conditional (read: based almost solely on monetary exchange). But, perhaps most importantly, both with fraught relationships to Authority that unconsciously drove them to push boundaries to the point where they ended up imprisoning themselves.

It’s not so illogical either, to imprison yourself when you’ve gotten fed up with living a life of constant pressure, acting as everyone else’s meal ticket while your personal life evaporates.

Is it really that crazy, then, to imprison oneself when it’s, unfortunately, the only conceivable way to take a break, and to tell the Power(s)-At-Be to, well, f*ck off and let them be?

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With her natal Sun, Mercury and Uranus in Sagittarius in her Birth Chart, Britney is one fiery, energetic lady.

But if all the developing psyche experiences is constantly striving to be Perfect, how can anyone maturing into adulthood begin to know themselves when lost in the sea of loneliness that comes with having to embody an image that isn’t their true self? 

As a result, a profound Authority Complex develops, as what (or who) was once a source of praise and self-esteem becomes oppressive to the cultivation of Individual Identity.

So if shaving your head, smashing a car window or marrying Kevin Federline is what it takes to send the message: “I’d like to be left alone now please”? Then perhaps the problem isn’t Britney, whatever her “outrageous” (past) behavior.

Rather, it’s the impossible conundrum of that nasty Perfection Paradox, leading to Burn-Out, Rebellion and, inevitably, attempts at self-destruction. Because when the Fantasy bubble finally bursts, something (or someone) usually breaks. 

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So what begins in early life as a special talent or unique ability quickly becomes a fragile commodity to be protected, vulnerable to potential exploitation at the hands of others and/or becoming squelched by extreme overwork, as both Sagittarius and Aquarius is prone to burn the candle at both ends. 

Like the Ballerina who’s forced to keep on spinning with no one to catch her or the high-flying hot air balloon with no safe place to land yet at some point must come down, the pressure to press on is, well, quite immense in Britney’s chart. 

Consequently, it’s not terribly surprising that what began as a rags-to-riches whirlwind fueled by talent, beauty and charisma has turned into quite the tornado, revealing that with so-called Luck can often come Imprisonment. And so the contradictions begin…

Mercury-Uranus in Sagittarius: Sometimes

Sagittarius is the Zodiac’s only Mutable Fire sign, which makes them at once irresistible yet extremely restless, if not perpetually boredom-prone.

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Sagittarius loves to explore and experience new things, communicating their experience through creative, usually performative outlets. And with her potent Mercury-Uranus conjunction in her 3rd house of Communication, she’s quite literally unable to hide her reactions, amplifying her sense of humor and mental acuity alike.

Mercury-Uranus aspects connote genius, speed of mind and innovative creativity. Britney’s Mercury-Uranus conjunction makes her wit so quick that she’s, well, quite a challenge to keep up with while predisposing her to sudden changes of mind, restlessness and frustration with those who can’t seem to keep up.

Yet with such a heavy concentration of planets Mutable Signs and Houses in her chart, one of Britney’s central challenges involves battling a tendency to scatter, or waste, her precious energy—as well as learning to manage her lack of patience for others’ (and even less for her own), ahem, mistakes.

 Aquarius Moon + Mars in Virgo: Work B*tch

Mars, like the Moon, represents our most innate, instinctual selves, our survival instincts, and when analyzed in tandem with one another, can provide a striking deal of insight into what motivates the individual.

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Britney’s Aquarius Moon (trine Saturn) shows self-discipline and consistency re: Creative Self-Expression, while her Mars in Virgo (square Neptune) is indicative of an obsessive-compulsive striving for Perfection.

Aquarius is all about the Big Picture and is Future-oriented in outlook. Virgo, though, tends to fuss over details, getting so caught up in them that it she’s likely to drive herself so hard that she often doesn’t know when to quit.

Virgo is the “can’t stop-won’t stop” hard worker of the Zodiac, while Sagittarius, and to some degree Aquarius, is the Zodiac’s Sad Clown, who somehow always manages to slap on that grease paint and “put on a happy face”—no matter what pain, fear or inhibitions might roiling inside.

Like Kafka’s famed story/character, The Hunger Artist, Britney trained herself early on to stuff whatever emotions might get in the way of work as far down into her unconscious as she can.

Mars in Virgo and the 12th house, you see, is intrinsically shy, and predisposes the individual to self-destruct rather than show their emotions on the outside.

This is extremely painful for her Moon in Aquarius and Sagittarius Sun alike, as gossip, false friends, manipulation, subterfuge or outright sabotage are all common with such a challenged natal Mars. 

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Consequently, as much as she demands control (Aquarius Moon), Britney’s unconscious tendency is to look for someone who will “take charge” and tell her what to do (Virgo Mars).

But whether it be a parent, partner, manager, choreographer or personal trainer she looks to guide her, unless this Someone legitimately has her best interest in mind? The outcome is a tendency to become a doormat over time, as a feeling of defeat becomes overwhelming after enough instances of casting her precious Aquarian pearls before swine.

Moon-Saturn + Venus in Capricorn: Overprotected

Venus in Capricorn is the Materialist, ever conscious of not only the need to earn money, but of what money can buy. Coming from a family that was extremely hard-working and who emphasized the necessity of hard work in life is the name of the game with Capricorn on the 4th house cusp.

Britney’s Venus is in Capricorn, in her 4th house of Home and Family, and is tightly conjunct her South Node in Capricorn. Venus conjunct the South Node in the 4th house shows an individual whose natural comfort zone is not only performance but a ton of hard work (b*tch).

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Though it’s symbolic of one’s Home, Family and “where you come from” on a literal level, the 4th house represents our emotional security. Britney’s chart depicts one tough upbringing, both emotionally and materially, as Father was unreliable and/or unable to provide materially for the family (Sun-Uranus), placing even more pressure on her to not only perform but to fill the role of Provider—a dual role that’s frankly impossible for any child to achieve, let alone maintain.

In Astrology, Moon represents Mother (or the Mother Figure) so whatever sign, house placement and aspects to it show up in the birth chart describe the individual’s experience of “Mothering,” especially in early childhood. 

With Saturn trine Britney’s Moon in Aquarius, Mother was seen as a strong and dominant figure who gave structure to her upbringing, instilling practicality, consistency and the importance of hard work. Mother herself was probably seen by Britney as an extremely hard-working and responsible person, and the Mother-Daughter tie was likely very strong in early life. 

Unfortunately, then, however hard Britney struggled to please Mother, it’s likely that Mother herself struggled just as much, grappling with the contradiction of wearing herself thin to do whatever necessary to help make her daughter’s dreams a reality while facing the harsh limitations of having her own emotional needs neglected in the process.

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So the structure and strength that Mother provided that supported and inspired Britney to excel in youth likely had (and perhaps still has) the unintentional but profoundly confusing, contradictory effect of endearing the child to the parents yet tacitly punishing her with abandonment (Saturn/Father) or unconscious resentment (Moon/Mother) in the event she could/would not perform. 

To feel from a very young age the acute feeling that parental love had to be earned (by earning money) is clearly the root of Britney’s later difficulties in romantic relationships, hurling herself into them in pursuit of instant gratification without considering the long term consequences and potential hurt that comes when one hasn’t yet worked through the subconscious feeling that unless she works, she has no substantive worth. 

Moon-Venus vs. Chiron-Saturn: Femme Fatale

Despite the fact that her Aquarius Moon in her natal 5th house of Creativity shows an undeniable love of performance and romantic self-expression, her Moon forms angles (aspects) to both Saturn (trine) and Chiron (square). 

The Moon is our inner self, representing our inner child and our most private, deepest needs. So whenever the Moon forms any major angles to Saturn (symbol of Conformity and Restriction) and Chiron (the Zodiac’s Wounded Healer), as in Britney’s chart, there’s a powerful yet vague constellation of hidden fears, anxieties and inhibitions that bely the outward courage, fearlessness and exuberance of her planets in Sagittarius. 

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Because the Moon and Venus symbolize the Feminine in all of us, the relationship of Chiron to Britney’s Moon in Aquarius reveals another, perhaps deeper paradox of self—the clash between her need to express herself in her own unique and unrestricted way (Moon in Aquarius) with her deeply-rooted insecurities about her feminine image (Moon-Chiron).

Britney’s selfhood was always defined by a curated image wherein the primary goal was none other than to “bring home the bacon.” With this comes the challenge of having to contend with the contradictory message that, yes, hard work is important, for example, but that fulfilling a certain image is just as essential in order to be (materially) successful. 

When you think about it, the conundrum is an obvious one: how is a girl (not yet a woman) who’s risen to Superstardom as a child supposed to navigate the contradictory demand that she act “Like A Virgin,” when her career success is inextricably linked with how willing and able she is to embody the “perfect” sex-pot image (not to mention physique)?

It makes no sense. Plus, the competing demand to fulfill two conflicting images over time ultimately only leads to one thing: an unbearable conflict in the psyche.

But Britney, like Marilyn Monroe and many other Superstars put on pedestals and admired (not to mention financially compensated) for their stereotypically-feminine, “Sex-Pot” images of external beauty have prominent Chiron configurations in their birth charts.

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It’s as if it’s somehow their karmic purpose to bear the iniquitous brunt of the Madonna-Whore complex that’s so obviously impossible yet remains embedded in the Public (Un-)Consciousness nonetheless. 

How is it possible to be a naive, doe-eyed Virgin when your career involves posing provocatively for covers of magazines like Rolling Stone? In short, it isn’t.

With this in mind—that is, how we elevate feminine icons as fantasies to be admired while at the same time criticizing them as prostitutes to be reviled—is Britney’s rebellion against such an impossible and frankly pernicious contradiction really all that shocking? Not really, no. In fact, it’s actually inspiring.  

Libra Rising + Venus Placement: Boys

Although Britney has the remarkably vibrant, outgoing spirit of her Sagittarius Sun, her Ascendant, which describes not so much the person as the Persona, or the qualities we most readily see about the person upon first meeting them, for example, is at 2° of Libra. 

Venus is commonly referred to as the planet of Love and Money, as the “heart” of this dual representation is Venus’ symbolic meaning re: what it is we truly value. At its core, Venus represents our feelings of self-worth and, as a result, thereby defining how deserving we feel of Love and Money is what determines our ability to attract them.

Because Libra is her Rising Sign, Venus is Britney’s Ruling Planet, showing that the Venusian themes of Love and Money are major focal points of her life, or areas where she’ll encounter her most challenging (yet potentially rewarding) experiences. 

Since Britney’s Ascendant falls at 2° Libra, Venus is her chart’s Ruling Planet; whatever planet is the natural ruler of the Ascendant holds an important key to the psyche, as what the planet represents in the birth chart will reveal much about the focal point of the individual’s life. 

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With Venus as her chart ruler, its symbolism and aspects are key to understanding her purpose in life, which in large part revolve around love, relationships, her powers of attraction (re: both love and finances) as well as her relationship to her own femininity.

The latter is made considerably more challenging when Venus in Capricorn is in a tense aspect to both Pluto and Saturn in Libra; it creates a contradictory compulsion to achieve and an equally powerful insecurity that makes the person want to, well, hide. 

Venus Square Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto: Toxic

Britney’s heavily-aspected Venus depicts yet another contradiction: on the one hand, intensely driven to find everlasting, storybook-style Love; on the other, attracted to Bad Boys, or those who seem in need of rescue, ending up in relationships that end up being less tender than straight-up toxic. 

This is because Britney’s natal Venus forms a tense angle to Pluto and Saturn, both in Libra in her 1st house of Self. With Saturn-Pluto in Libra, Venus in Capricorn yearns desperately for a deeply intimate and passionate relationship (Venus-Pluto) yet harbors equally deep-rooted fears of getting hurt by such a relationship (Venus-Saturn).

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Pluto is like steroids—any planet it forms a potent angle to in the birth chart is “pumped up,” so to speak. Pluto tells Venus: “More is More”; Saturn tells Venus: “Less is More.” This is the constant back and forth that plagues the person with Venus in a tense aspect to both Saturn and Pluto at once. 

This plays into her complex relationship to marriage, sexuality, and her control over her finances, as there’s an internal battle between obsession with and intense fear of Love and Relationships—and the relationship of Love to Money.

Mars in Virgo Square Neptune: (You Drive Me) Crazy

With Mars in Virgo forming an exact, tense aspect to Neptune in Sagittarius, the propensity to delusional thoughts or misdirected action is intensified, as the person seems on the outside to be completely in control.

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Yet on the inside there’s a carefully-hidden, well, lack of (self-) direction in tandem with a hefty amount of self-deception.

Mars represents what we’re sexually attracted to on a visceral, instinctual level. Neptune represents illusion, idealism and, at worst, deception. Idealizing Masculinity, then, or men who seem to embody this ideal, is another side effect.

Mars-Neptune aspects are like falling in love with the Sailor whose only love is the sea, someone who is by definition unattainable, if only because he’s unreachable, completely narcissistic, or simply fame-obsessed. (Enter: Kevin Federline, et al.).

Consequently, a confirmation bias emerges, unconsciously compelling Britney to seek out needy partners who end up “proving” the unconscious belief she picked up in childhood—essentially that love is, indeed, conditional.

Escapist tendencies are common with Mars in the 12th house and with Mars-Neptune aspects in a birth chart, as if the person is constantly afraid of getting “stuck,” and so their restlessness of mind is always looking for that trap door—or whatever secret “way out” they can find.

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Falling in a superlative Love that defies mundane realities like Bills and Bread and Billboard awards is, if you think about it, a way of trying to escape. 

But when Britney allows herself to fall in love with the image of a man, she (maybe deliberately) fails to see (or overlooks) who the real man is underneath and, in doing so, unconsciously risks being taken advantage of. 

So, unconsciously believing herself intrinsically unworthy of love yet desperate to experience it in its highest, most idyllic form, Britney inevitably leads herself back toward seeking love from her ever-appreciative and loving fans.

This of course is adulation much-deserved, but it’s depersonalized and fleeting by definition, not a lasting, committed love that provides the support of a real, even if imperfect, partnership. 

Grand Earth Trine: Stronger

Britney is an Individualist at heart with an instinctual drive to survive, as her Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Virgo and Chiron in Taurus, which together form a rare planetary configuration called a Grand Earth Trine.

No matter what the surface may look like, she’s a Material Girl in a Material World—and doesn’t try to pretend like she doesn’t know it. 

Emotional Compartmentalization, though, is tricky to overcome with her Grand Earth Trine, as she’s so used to tucking uncomfortable feelings back long enough to get the job done for the sake of Productivity. 

And as personable and desirous of the Spotlight as her Sagittarius-Aquarius-Libra (Sun-Moon-Rising) combination may  appear, her Grand Earth Trine shows a competing desire to retreat. 

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As such, her Grand Earth Trine is at once her biggest blessing and most obnoxious curse, as it unconsciously drives her to provide without stopping to think about herself before she gets to work.

With Venus trine Mars and Chiron, the Zodiac’s paradoxical Wounded Healer, she has an innate attractiveness about her that comes from the vulnerability she hides so carefully and the emotions she bottles so deeply within. 

Plus, with her natal Mars in Virgo square Neptune? She’s perpetually caught up in trying to please, well, everyone, rarely (if ever) allowing herself to put her own needs first. 

When the Grand Earth Trine can (potentially) get the best of Britney, then, is due to the fact that she’s got a relative lack of planets in Water in her chart, with her Jupiter in Scorpio doing more to amplify her Star Power than put her in touch with her emotions. 

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Lack of planets in Water and the resultant loss of touch with one’s emotions can lead to lots of psychosomatic conditions, as repressed emotions (especially Anger) tend to manifest as headaches, backaches and other mysterious or “unexplainable” psychological and physical conditions.

But, perhaps ironically to some, it’s Britney’s inner woundedness that amplifies her outer beauty. It’s the getting in touch with her ever-elusive emotions (let alone learning to trust her gut) that’s something of a lifelong struggle for her. 

In sum, Britney both appreciates the material success (Grand Earth Trine) that fame (Jupiter in Scorpio trine Midheaven) can bring while at the same time flashing those famously awkward smiles at the camera, silently asking “What am I doing here?” But what she really needs to get to work on now, is getting in touch with herself…

~My Prerogative~

At the end of the day, what we do with our natal potential is up to our own free will. In this case, one of the keys to unlocking Love and Happiness for Britney is working to unlearn the lesson that Love is conditional.

And though she may well be aware that Beauty is fleeting, Femininity is an illusion and Perfection is a Pipe Dream, when you’re brought up to believe otherwise? Well, it’s easier said than done when it comes to battling such inner demons, relinquishing internalized beliefs or giving up on trying to relive dreams of former glories.

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If Britney takes the time and energy to confront the deep, unconscious wounds stemming from the rather harsh love lessons learned in early childhood and beyond, she’ll finally be able to transform herself from the Wounded One to the Healer, ending the pattern of toxic liaisons, most of which have centered around some form of financial exchange. 

And as painful as it is to acknowledge our deepest wounds, or to find a constructive, creative outlet for long-bottled emotional truths, if the alternative is to give up? I find it hard to believe Britney would take the latter path—especially when she could be considered the ultimate Survivor, with the power of her Grand Earth Trine representing the rare gift of Resilience that so many others lack.